Mathematics provides students with access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives. The curriculum also provides students, as life-long learners, building a basis for further study and research in mathematics and applications in many other fields.

The Year 7 – 10 program is in line with the Victorian Curriculum. Courses focus on the domains of Statistics and Probability, Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry. Students learn strategies for problem solving, summarising data and organising ideas. They get frequent, on-going feedback, particularly in relation to test performance, which is critical for constant improvement in learning.

At Year 7, class structure is according to ability levels for Mathematics. Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT) is used to identify the point of learning and measure growth.

Numeracy support and extension subjects run as part of the elective program at Year 9.

VCE acceleration in Maths is offered to high achieving students at Year 10.

VCE Senior Certificate Mathematical subjects:

General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Further Mathematics and Specialist Mathematics.

Vocational Major Senior Certificate, Numeracy is compulsory.

The Mathematics faculty also encourages student entrance in the Australian Mathematics Competition each year.