The College aim is to value add to a child’s learning. Teaching and Learning is a priority and programs are offered to enhance student learning.

Academic Enhancement

Differentiation ensures that students are challenged at a level appropriate to their potential and Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT) is undertaken in English and Mathematics to identify point of learning and advanced capabilities.

The unique Year 7 Learning Program allows fluidity across ability groups. Students are also able to undertake enhancement in literacy in a small group. They work with a teacher building their capabilities and undertaken a range of extension activities.

Enhancement opportunities continue through the Year 9 elective program with English and Mathematics extension programs. At Year 9, all students undertake a student learning profile test that provides data on their verbal, numerical, abstract and spatial skill development. The results assist students with their course selection for Year 10 and beyond and identifies particular academic strengths and weaknesses. One to one counselling is provided to students about their data.

At Year 10, students are invited to undertake an Advanced Mathematics program designed to better equip them for the more difficult Mathematics subjects in VCE.

At Year 10 and 11, eligible students undertake an accelerated VCE program based on their past academic performance. This offers them a sixth Unit 3 and 4 study score that contributes to their overall ATAR score for university entrance. Students often accelerate in Mathematics but there are options for acceleration in other subjects as well, tailoring to individual needs.

The College enters into a range of competitions to further enhance student learning. These include the Australian Mathematics and Science Competitions, The University of Melbourne Engineering and IT programs for school students, La Trobe University programs for school students and the Kwon Lee Dow Scholarship at the University of Melbourne.


Academic Sports Program

Students entering Year 10 have the opportunity to apply for entrance to the Academic Sports Program. This program fosters academic achievement for those who aspire to a career in a sports related field. Students are exposed to University campuses and hear from a range of speakers who have forged careers related to sport and sports medicine.


Building responsible, resilient and capable young people

Students from Year 7-12 are able to enrol in the Instrumental Music Program and participate in a range of concert performances as solo, ensemble or group. The annual Music Concert highlights student talent to the local community. The VET Music program takes students out into the broader community to perform.

The College runs a debating program to develop their thinking and public speaking skills. This program involves competition with other schools.

The Constitutional Convention gives students an opportunity to debate current issues. Students are then eligible to participate in the National Convention on Canberra.

The College Leadership program fosters leadership and communication skills. Students have leadership opportunities through the Student Representative Council and House Leaders program. School Captains undergo a selection process that involves an application and interview. Students participate in key decision-making bodies of the school and hold positions on the College Council.

The College offers opportunities for students to broaden their horizons through local programs like the Year 9 Program and Year 10 Work Experience. Students learn to navigate their city, gain an understanding of the ‘real world’ and build their interpersonal skills.

Students are able to venture overseas as part of our sister school relationship with Nagano High School in Japan and through our community project in Vietnam.