Every child can learn.

Learning Support is offered in varied ways at Sunbury College. The College, from enrolment aims to identify an individual student’s point of learning. At Year 7, Progressive Achievement Testing (PAT) identifies student strengths and weaknesses in regards to literacy and numeracy. The school also communicates with the primary feeder school to ensure we have knowledge of your child from day one. This is further supported by other data such as NAPLAN, Work Habits and school assessments as your child progresses. All teachers are able to access this data and use it to inform their teaching practice. Parents too can access data through their login to the student management package, Compass.

The fluidity of the Year 7 program allows for differentiation and students are able to progress at their level. Testing is undertaken at the beginning of Year 8 and 9 to monitor progression.

Literacy and numeracy support is provided from Year 7-9. The College employs a Literacy Aide to work with students three days a week. We also have a Literacy specialist who works directly in the classroom and runs enhancement and support programs at Year 7 and 8.

The College runs a homework club every Monday night where students can access additional help from teachers. In addition, the Library is open for students to use at lunchtimes and before and after school.

The College has a Disability Inclusion Coordinator who manages the program for students funded for learning. Funded students work with a team of Education Support staff. Students can be withdrawn from class for more one to one work or have an aide with them to help them navigate classes. Parent meetings are held at least once a semester to monitor progress.

The Disability Inclusion Coordinator works with staff, students and parents to ensure that teaching strategies are pitched to meet individual learning needs. They also liaise with parents.